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Most Extreme Gun Ban In U.S. Hits Colorado Statehouse – A Quick Look at SB25-003

SB25-003, Colorado’s newly filed “Assault Weapons” Semi-Auto Firearm bill will ban all rifles and shotguns that accept detachable magazines, along with many semi-auto pistols that accept detachable magazines. If enacted, the Colorado Attorney General would have the power and authority to further define the nuanced and often contradictory bill language.

This is far worse than any other state “assault weapons ban” as other state bans don’t apply to semiautomatic rifles that do not have pistol grips or other cosmetic features. This bill applies a blanket rifle ban as long as that rifle accepts a detachable magazine, making the scope of the legislation far broader and more extreme than anything ever seen before, not just here in Colorado, but across the nation.

It also includes another blanket ban on semi-auto shotguns that accept detachable magazines with no exceptions. It does not affect other types of shotguns, such as those operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide actions.

The bill bans all semi-automatic pistols that use gas to automatically reload after firing if they also have detachable magazines.

It would also outlaw bump stocks and other rapid fire trigger devices.

Read the bill here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2025A/bills/2025a_003_01.pdf

Email Colorado Senate Democrats and tell them why they should vote NO on SB25-003: Colorado’s Worst Assault Weapons Ban in history! 

Bill sponsors are attempting to pass never seen before legislation that is farther reaching than any gun ban anyone has ever seen – and they are claiming it is to stop the staggering violent crime in Colorado.

What they won’t tell you is that Colorado has passed 20 gun control laws in 5 years, yet according to Colorado Public Radio, Colorado is one of the only states in the nation where violent crime is not dropping, an epidemic that is encompassing Colorado’s troubled youth in numbers never seen before. You can read more about that here and here

They also won’t tell you that this extreme gun ban they are pushing won’t make a dent in firearm deaths. The data in the graphs below is collected from the FBI. We are working to get the latest numbers, but year over year historically the murder rate for rifles is 0.089 per 100k population. That means that less than one tenth of a person is murdered with a rifle for every 100,000 people in Colorado.

The two graphs below were created using the respective FBI-Uniform Crime Report data that is available to the public online. You can download both 2020 and 2019.

2020 FBI Crime Data – Murder Type – CO

2019 FBI Crime Data – Murder Type – CO

Follow this bill and all other 2025 2A gun bills on The We The Second Legislative Watch page.

Help us get this information out by making a donation today! 

WATCH: Everything You Need To Know About SB25-003 


  1. The AR-7 .22 survival rifle designed in 1959 and issued to USAF pilots would fall under this ban. Daisy (yes, the BB gun people) also made a .22 that would fall under this ban. I have several pistols that would be illegal if this law passes. While it’s doubtful if any liberals will be reading this, I would challenge them to explain why they vote for Democrats

  2. According to our nation’s constitution all gun laws, related fees and permits established by the Colorado legislature behind closed doors are in fact null and void when it comes to the nation’s Constitution, and the Colorado revolving door gun policies and laws are actually unconstitutional.
    Our Constitutional second amendment rights are unenfringed. “UNENFRINGED”
    Evidently liberal legislators of Colorado are also illiterate not only idiotic.

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